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29 returnee houses broken into in Ljevoša near Peć/Pejë (RTK2)

29 returnee houses have been broken into in village Ljevoša near Peć/Pejë. The case was reported by a local Albanian who lives in the village.

Ranko Bakić, the village representative who is currently dwelling in Serbia proper, said to RTK2 that his Albanian neighbor called him and informed that his house was broken into, after what he contacted a police station in Peć/Pejë where he got the confirmation about the house been broken into and information that there was no major material damage.


Štrpce/Shtërpce: French consortium to submit a detailed plan (RTK2)

Although the Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci two days ago on his Facebook profile wrote that "one of the most important projects of the Kosovo economy is done", whether the 410 million euros of French consortium really will be invested in Inex ski centre in Brezovica will be known only for three months, According to the municipality of Štrpce/Shtërpce.

Director of Kosovo Police called returnees to join KPS (RTK2)

Director of the Kosovo Police, Shpend Maxhuni, called Serb returnees to join the Kosovo police Service (KPS). Maxhuni said that it would contribute to the reduction of incidents to which returnees are exposed. During the visit to the returnee village Drsnik near Klina/Kline, Maxhuni said that attacks on returnees and their property can be prevented by better cooperation between the returnees and the police.

The regulation on the recognition of diplomas from Kosovo University is adopted (RTK2)

The Serbian government adopted a regulation on the particular mode of recognition of higher education documents and evaluation of study programs of universities in Kosovo, which carry out activities in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

The university diplomas will first certify the Committee of European academics, which is established by the European University Association. After it, independent expert bodies of the higher education institutions will review diplomas, stated Press office of the Serbian Government.

Billboards announcing Serbian Prime Minister's visit appear all over Kosovo (RTK2)

In all Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo, billboards appeared early this morning announcing a visit by Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in December.

The billboards featured slogans such as “Welcome Prime Minister Vucic” and “We have only one Prime Minister – Vucic.” They could be seen all the way down from Jarinje in northern Kosovo, through Zvečan/Zveçan and North Mitrovica, to Gračanica/Graçanicë, Klokot/Kllokot, Parteš/Partesh, and Štrpce/Shtërpcë.


Inclusion of minorities in the mainstream media (RTK2)

Representatives of public TV stations in the region and the EU countries, at a conference held in Pristina, have called for a greater presence of minorities in mainstream media channels, so that a majority population would get familiarized with their life and culture.

This was adopted as a recommendation, after successful examples of such programs on public TV stations, in countries such as in Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and Belgium, which increasingly give a space in the program for ethnic and other minorities.


Local Serbs in Drsnik feel threatened following the last attack (RTK2)

The attack on Milovan Ribac from village Drsnik, which took place on Sunday while he was working in the fields, when a fire was open on him from an automatic rifle is yet another attack in a range of recent attacks on Kosovo Serbs. Locals from village Drsnik in Klina/Klinë Municipality are scared and expect perpetrators to be brought to justice. This is second attack on Ribac.

“They fired on me on 13 March 2010. The case was reported to police, KFOR also arrived at the place of incident, but not a single case was resolved until today,” says Ribac.


Armed attack on a Serb in Klina municipality (RTK2)

Kosovo Serbs Milovan Ribac reported yesterday that a fire was open on him from an automatic weapon while he was working in the field in village Drsnik in Klina/Klinë Municipality. Luckily he escaped the attack without injures. The attack is reported to Kosovo police.

This is yet another attack in a range of attacks on members of Serbian community in Kosovo, which have become more frequent following incidents at the football match between Serbian and Albanian national teams in EURO 2016 qualifier, couple weeks ago.


The Commission for Missing Persons: Raska still in focus (RTK2)

"Raska region for us has not been completed. We have checked only the quarry, we have some points that were suspicious for us and we will process it at the working group in Belgrade," says Prenk Gjetaj, President of the Government Commission on Missing Persons.

A meeting of the Commission for Missing Persons in Pristina/Prishtine this time was not attended by representatives of families of missing and kidnapped Serbs from Kosovo. Gjetaj told RTK2 that he expects good cooperation to continue.

‘AKSH’ and ‘ISIS’ graffiti in Zubin Potok (RTK2)

‘AKSH’ and ‘ISIS’ graffiti have been sprayed at the wall along the regional route North Mitrovica-Ribarice in vicinity of the hydro power-station Gazivode this morning, informed spokesperson of Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok Municipality Srdjan Vucinic. This is the first time ever that ‘ISIS’ graffiti is sprayed in northern Kosovo, carried internet portal KOSSEV. Almost identical graffiti have been recently sprayed on the walls of Visoki Decani Monastery.
