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Crisis obstacle to formation of Community of Serbian Municipalities (RTK2)

The SLS President, Slobodan Petrovic said that it is very important to reach a solution of the political crisis in Kosovo because the formation of the Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) depends of it.

Petrovic told Tanjug that it is important to find a solution to the political crisis in Kosovo that would allow the election of the Speaker of Parliament or the formation of a new Government.

Delegation of Kosovo Serbs in a visit to Germany and Austria (RTK2)

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Mayor of Strpce/Shtrpce, Bratislav Nikolic and MP from the Serbian List, Sasa Milosavljevic, are visiting Germany and Austria at the invitation of members of the German Bundestag and the Austrian Development Agency.

Statement of the Ministry of Communities and Returns reads that they will have a number of meetings with the representatives of the organizations from the field of political and economic life of Germany and Austria.

Petrovic: New elections are not a solution (RTK2)

Slobodan Petrovic, Minister for Local Administration yesterday conferred with a delegation from German Bundestag and addressed the current political situation in Kosovo. Petrovic reiterated the standpoint of the Serbian List that they will support those who can gather majority of votes.

We are on the side of solutions not on the side of problems, and we’ll work on overcoming the crisis, said Petrovic and added that he wouldn’t be surprised if the scheduled constitutive session would be postponed.


Ðurić: Health Service is priority in Kosovo Pomoravlje (RTK2)

The Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Ðurić stated yesterday during his visit to Serbs in Pasjane in Kosovo Pomoravlje (eastern Kosovo) that recovery of the Health Service is one of priorities of the Serbian government. He paid a visit to a building that is meant to become a hospital and to be adapted for that purpose.


A bomb exploded in Pasjane (RTK2)

On Wednesday early morning hours a bomb exploded in Pasjane village. Kosovo police reported on the case, adding that the explosion occurred in the yard of a Kosovo Serb who lives in Pasjane.

"Investigators immediately came to the scene. Police units examined the scene and the first investigations show that a hand grenade was thrown near the facilities within the courtyard," said the statement of the Gnjilane/Gjilan regional police.

According to the police no injuries were caused, only a little damage was caused to the courtyard buildings and the vehicle parked nearby.


Investigation against Covic close to an end (RTK2, Informer)

Prosecution for Organized Crime is finalizing the investigation against the former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic, who is suspected of misappropriating state funds intended for the southern province, says Informer newspaper, citing sources in the Serbian prosecutor's office.

The paper says that Covic and five other suspects have been charged with embezzling more than 850 million dinars, which was supposed to finance the purchase and construction of housing for displaced persons from Kosovo.


Serbian representatives ready for possible elections (RTK2)

If the political crisis in Kosovo continues, the new elections are the only way. While the post-election coalition bloc in Pristina holds regular meetings, representatives of the Serbs say they are ready for possible new elections. Will there be a new coalition, or in the Serbian political arena nothing will change, we asked the leaders of the parties.

Dialogue is not transparent (RTK2)

There are many shortcomings in the process of dialogue, and some of them are lack of transparency and lack of care for the citizens, was said at the meeting of the Group for Political and Legal Studies in Pristina.

"We demand accountability of the Government of Kosovo as a party of the agreement that was reached in Brussels," said Fisnik Korenica, stating that the main points of the agreement are not being implemented.


Jablanovic: Interruption of the Kosovo Assembly expected (RTK2)

The chairperson of the Serbian List Aleksandar Jablanovic stated today in Pristina that interruption of the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly was expected by Serbian MPs.

He said to Beta agency that Serbian List will not support political options which would have  movement Self-Determination for the partner, neither during the voting for the Assembly Speaker, nor in creation of the Kosovo government.
