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Limaj under new investigation – suspected for murder of two civilians (

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, is suspected to be involved in the execution without trial of Ramiz Hoxha, from village Bellanice, and Selman Binishi, from Banja village. At that time, Limaj was commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in that area.

Mustafa and Veseli discuss the ruling coalition (Insajderi)

Kosovo's Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Assembly President Kadri Veseli, met today to discuss the ruling coalition led by their respective parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). The Assembly issued a media communique after the meeting noting that discussions focused on the current developments, with special emphasis on the visa liberalization process.

Kosovo PM pledges to secure membership of NATO and EU (Insajderi)

On the 66th anniversary of the European Union, Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said he pledges to secure Kosovo’s membership of the European Union and NATO. In a Facebook post, Mustafa said Kosovo needs to prove it has the will and power to put the law above anyone else. “We need to prove our determination in combating and uprooting corruption and organized crime and to implement standards of democracy,” he said. Mustafa said the coalition government he leads is willing to take the lead in this path.

Azem Syla and Vidosav Nakovic, expropriated lands worth millions (

Insajderi has discovered that the main suspects among the 51 individuals, are Azem Syla, Shaban Syla, Ilaz Syla – Shaban Syla’s son, Azem Syla’s driver, Arton Vila, former head of the Pristina Municipality Court, Nuhi Uka, his uncle Tefik Uka, who worked as clerk at the Court, Shpresim Uka, Fahredin Gashi, lawyer Eduard Gashi, lawyer Mexhid Syla, lawyer Avni Maxhuni, his wife, Shqipe Maxhuni, Hajrullah Berisha, Dragan Maksimovic, Vukasin Stevic from Llapnaselle/Lapno Selo.

Walker: Without recognition from Serbia, Kosovo will remain outside NATO (Insajderi)

Kurt Walker, former United States Ambassador to NATO, said today that Kosovo’s first step in its bid for NATO membership is to secure international recognitions. “Recognitions are the first step. I don’t think Spain or other countries, but Spain in particular, will recognize Kosovo if Serbia does not do this,” he said. Walker, who now heads the John McCain Institute in the U.S., told The New Bugajski Hour that “if Serbia does not recognize Kosovo, I think the latter will remain outside NATO for a certain period of time”.

If the Prime Minister did his work (Insajderi)

Following reports that the brother of Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa sought asylum in Germany and France during the 2015 mass migrant influx of people of Kosovo, Parim Olluri, co-founder of the investigative news website Insajderi which first published the story, writes in an opinion piece that instead of dealing with stories on the public broadcaster’s news editions, Prime Minister Mustafa should have focused on finding ways to improve the healthcare in Kosovo.


Mustafa: My brother sought asylum due to health matters, I didn’t threaten anyone (RFE)

Most of the media is running an interview that Kosovo Prime Minister did with Radio Free Europe. Mustafa told the news agency today that his brother used illegal channels to find shelter outside Kosovo and find medical treatment for his serious illness. Mustafa also denied calling a reporter of a Pristina-based news site that first reported on the issue.

Mr. Prime Minister, what is your explanation about your brother seeking asylum? Media have reported that he used illegal channels to leave Kosovo?

Police arrest person suspected of funding Kosovar recruits for ISIS (Insajderi/Koha)

Pristina-based Insajderi news site reports that Kosovo Police arrested a businessman this morning from Peja/Pec, Fatos Rizvanolli, a key suspect who is believed to have funded the travel expenses of Kosovar recruits for ISIS. Police issued a communiqué saying that it has also conducted raids in Rizvanolli’s businesses and properties in Pristina and Peja. Koha reports that police arrested another suspect, in the region of Prizren on Tuesday, who is suspected of being involved in funding or facilitating terrorism.

LDK condemns attack on Minister Abrashi (Insajderi)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) in a press release today condemned the attack against Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Arban Abrashi who was pelted with eggs this morning.  “The attack carried out by members of Vetevendosje movement is an attack on the positive results that the government is achieving in improving the lives and economic welfare of the citizens of Kosovo.