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Junior coalition partner LB presents plan to overcome political crisis (Koha)

Leader of the Movement for Unification (LB), part of the ruling coalition, Valon Murati presented in a press conference today a plan aimed at overcoming the current political deadlock in Kosovo. LB noted that the crisis requires a long-term solution and in order to achieve this, it proposed a two-point plan where all political stakeholders will be able to contribute. The first step, said Murati, is to establish dialogue between parties on election reform as the current law is susceptible to vote fraud and quality decline.


Movement for Unification calls on protesters and celebrators to show self-restraint (Koha)

The Movement for Unification (LB), a partner in the ruling coalition, issued a media communiqué today calling on all Kosovo citizens to refrain from putting themselves in dangerous situations on Friday when the Assembly will elect the new President of Kosovo. “The situation can become tense and get out of control on Friday, when the Kosovo Assembly is scheduled to vote for the new President of Kosovo … On the same day and at the same place, the opposition and the PDK [Democratic Party of Kosovo] have announced their activities.