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Vucic: Delineation means to have borders between Serbs and Albanians (FoNet, Danas)

Delineation means to have borders between Serbs and Albanians, and nobody knows where are they today, are the borders where we tell or where Albanians tell they are, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today, adding he believed this should be determined in order to have peace and stability with Albanians in the next 100 or 200 years, but that the will of the citizens was different, Danas daily reported.

Vucic: Patriarch’s words are nice, but binding too (Tanjug, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic thanked Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej for his words that the president fights like a lion for Kosovo and Metohija, adding these words are nice, but also binding, Tanjug news agency reported.

“These are nice, but also very binding words, very important and I would fight for the interests of our people in Kosovo and Metohija wholeheartedly and with all the strength, as I fought until now,” Vucic told journalists in Belgrade.

PM Brnabic: Vulin (reacted) adequately, Scott scandalously and inappropriately (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic thinks that Minister of Defense adequately reacted to the statement of US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott, who earlier said that Kosovo is an independent state, Tanjug news agency reported.  

PM Brnabic added that Ambassador’s Scott statement is scandalous and inappropriate.

“This is inappropriate, not only in diplomacy, but also represents a disrespect of the host, given that the statement was made in the building of the Government of Serbia,” Brnabic told journalists.

Patriarch Irinej: SOC is not for frozen conflict in Kosovo, but neither for recognizing fait accompli (Vecernje Novosti, Novi Magazin, Danas, RTS)

Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Patriarch Irinej told Vecernje Novosti daily today that the Church does not support frozen conflict in Kosovo, but however, it is neither for “recognizing the fait accompli achieved by injustice, aggression, violence and crimes.”

Patriarch Irinej also underlined that when it comes to Kosovo “one should not go for hasty and provisional solutions.”

Vucic: Whatever Kosovo government is for Scott and USA, for us it is “so-called” (Politika, Tanjug)

“Whatever Kosovo and its government are for the USA and Ambassador Scott, for us it is so-called government and the so-called state,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, reacting to the statement of the USA Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott, who stated earlier in Belgrade that Kosovo is a sovereign state.

“Why then they negotiate with Serbia at all, and seek from Serbia to offer a shelter to the so-called sovereign states in the UN?” Vucic added.

Brussels agreement on normalization of relations chance to establish trust (Danas)

Brussels agreement on normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is a chance to establish the trust between Serbs and Albanians, concluded participants of a roundtable “Is Brussels Agreement Clinically Dead,” organized by the National Convent on European Union yesterday, Danas daily reports.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Dalibor Jevic said that the Brussels agreement would not be dead if its guarantors enable implementation of what has been agreed upon, adding that response to the question “is the Brussels agreement clinically dead,” is in Brussels.

Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces: A complex situation in Kosovo the key problem; no reason for fear (Serbian media)

A key regional problem that jeopardizes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia is a complex situation in Kosovo, says the new Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Milan Mojsilovic in an interview for Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti.

Vulin on USA Ambassador: “If Vucic was there, he would be thrown out on his ear“ (KoSSev)

“I am sorry that Ambassador Scott has not tried to show his arrogance at some event with President Vucic, because he would be thrown out on his ear from the Government (building),“ the Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin said, reacting to the statement of the US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott, who said in the Serbian government building, as Tanjug news agency reported, that Kosovo is an „independent state“.

Djuric: Jeremic will never again be able to harm this country (TV Most)

Vice President of the SNS Main Committee and Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, spoke about statements made today by Vuk Jeremic regarding Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and said that Jeremic proves again that his only program is the program of hatred for Aleksandar Vucic and that he is ready to sacrifice Serbian interests for the realization of his hate program, reports TV Most.