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Patriarch Irinej backs president and his "heroic fight" (B92, Tanjug)

President Vucic is fighting for Serbia, Kosovo all that is linked to the Serb name heroically, says the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

"We do not doubt his good intentions and the effort that we see," Patriarch Irinej emphasized late on Monday in Belgrade, after a two-hour meeting with Vucic.

Serbia to continue lobbying for derecognition of Kosovo (Danas)

Belgrade-based daily Danas writes today it has learnt unofficially from diplomatic sources that Serbia would continue lobbying among the states that recognized Kosovo to revoke their decisions.

The daily recalled EU High Representative and a mediator in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels, Federica Mogherini urged earlier both Belgrade and Pristina to stop the lobbying activities related to recognition respectively derecognition of Kosovo, and that Pristina authorities needed to revoke 100 percent tariffs on goods from central Serbia.

Dacic: Morina is border between Serbia and Albania (RTS, Vecernje Novosti)

The crossing point of Morina is located at the border between Serbia and Albania, Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said commenting on the statement of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci that border point Morina “unjustly divides Kosovo and Albania,” RTS reported.

“Serbia within these borders is a member of the United Nations. I do not know how Thaci intends to change something the UN has recognized, without asking Belgrade for that,” Dacic told Vecernje Novosti daily.

Memorial plaque to missing journalists placed for the eighth time (KoSSev, Radio KIM)

Members of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo (DNKiM) accompanied by Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Braathu placed on Friday a memorial plaque dedicated to their missing colleagues, Radio Pristina journalists, Djura Slavuj and Ranko Perenic for the eighth time, KoSSev portal reports.

The memorial plaque was placed where the two journalists were last seen in August 1998 in the village of Zociste, near Velika Hoca.

"It's time for France, too, to withdraw Kosovo recognition" (B92, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

13 countries have reversed their decision to recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, so why wouldn't France the same, asks Alexis Troude.

The French historian is one of the petitioners urging Paris to withdraw its recognition of Kosovo, and is also announcing the launch of this initiative in the French parliament.

Alliance for Serbia: Abuse of the Church by Vucic and Irinej; a play before the decision on Kosovo (NMagazin)

The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) states today that the possibility of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's participation in the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Assembly is an abuse of the Church by Vucic and the SPC Patriarch Irinej, adding that this is a play that is allegedly anesthetizing SPC before the decision on Kosovo.

SzS says that today's confirmation of the possibility of Vucic's participation in the Assembly, sees as the damage of the SPC and its believers.

Vucic confirms he will address Holy Synod, thanks Patriarch for invitation (N1, Beta)

President Aleksandar Vucic confirmed on Sunday he would address the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod on Monday, thanking Patriarch Irinej for inviting him to join the meeting.

This is a great honour and an opportunity to speak the truth, and to respond to untruths, said Vucic.

Detention of Zlatan Krstic extended for two more months (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)

Council for the war crimes of the Basic Court in Pristina has extended the detention of Zlatan Krstic from Kragujevac for two more months, Radio kontakt plus reported. He is suspected of allegedly committing the war crimes, his lawyer Dejan A. Vasic said.

Krstic is suspected of taking part in the events in the village of Nerodimlje, Urosevac municipality, during March 1999 when members of Nuha family were murdered. Their bodies were found in a mass grave in Urosevac.

Survey: What citizens of Serbia think about the solution to the Kosovo issue (Blic, B92, TV Most)

The latest survey of the Belgrade based agency Faktor Plus, in cooperation with daily Blic, shows that the citizens of Serbia are not optimistic about the solution of the Kosovo problem, they do not expect Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to sign the recognition of Kosovo, and most of them think that the problem will not be resolved soon