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"Worst situation in 10 years"; all Serbian services on alert (B92, Prva TV)

A stormy night has passed in Belgrade after Pristina decided to impose 100 percent taxes goods coming from central Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, B92 reports today.

The Council for National Security met, while before that, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic separately spoke with the ambassadors of Russia and China posted in Belgrade, and then with those from the EU and the US, and their "Quint" allies. Vucic specified that Serbia will not impose any counter-measures because, as a reliable partner, it does not wish to violate either EU's SAA or the regional free trade CEFTA deal.

Reactions of Serbian officials on Pristina’s decision to increase taxes by 100 percent (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late last night, after the National Security Council session held in relation to Pristina’s decision to increase taxes on goods from the central Serbia by 100 percent, that this decision is neither civilized nor reasonable.

Vucic added Serbia would not introduce similar measures, since it wishes to remain a reliable partner. He further noted that everybody in the Government was assigned to specific tasks and would remain under full alertness.

Kosovo bans the import of products with the inscription ''Kosovo and Metohija'' (Kossev)

More than a week after the introduction of a 10% tax increase on products from Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, the Kosovo government made a decision to completely ban imports of some products from Serbia. Kosovo Trade and Industry Minister, Endrit Shala also made a decision that the trade inspection should not allow the import and sale of products imported into Kosovo with the inscription ‘’Kosovo and Metohija“, „Kosovo UNMIK“ or „Kosovo Resolution 1244“.

Vucic, Vulin on Serbia’s neighbours voting in Interpol (B92, RTS, TV Pink)

Following the voting on Kosovo Interpol bid yesterday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he understood well messages from some neighbors that Serbia is a less valuable friend to them, than Pristina, B92 reports.

Referring to Skopje and Podgorica voting in favor of Kosovo, Vucic noted that they have sent a clear message to Serbia, you are a friend of secondary importance, while Albanians are true friends.

Who was with Serbia, which of our neighbors voted for Kosovo (B92)

The media published a list of countries that on Tuesday voted against Kosovo's admission to Interpol, as well as those that abstained.

Kosovo's admission to Interpol was on the agenda yesterday at the General Assembly of Interpol in Dubai, and between the two rounds of voting, a break was announced, which caused protests by the Serbian delegation.

Investigations of chief judge who accused EULEX of corruption finalized, results will not be published (KoSSev)

The European Union has wrapped up three investigations into a British judge and the chairman of the EULEX judicial council from 2014 to 2018, Malcolm Simmons, but will not make public the conclusions of the probes, KoSSev portal reports.

The EU spokesperson confirmed yesterday that the disciplinary board had finalized three investigations into Simmons, Beta reported, citing the Associated Press. They would not comment on the board’s conclusions or detail the allegations. The spokesperson refused to be identified, citing the sensitivity of the investigations.


Dacic: I don't have to be nice - this is great Serbian victory (B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that "not even the support of the Austrian chancellor" had helped get the Pristina authorities in Interpol.

"As they chose who to get to Interpol through - so they managed to do it," Dacic said in a news conference held after the vote at the international police organization's General Assembly in Dubai, that once more saw Kosovo fail to garner the necessary support and become a member.

Vucic: We must not be euphoric (Danas)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today he is proud of Serbia’s struggle, that manage to fight back some of the most powerful world powers and prevent Kosovo to joint Interpol, Danas daily reports.

Vucic added Serbia showed how much it matters to preserve the freedom, integrity and independence, however, we must not be euphoric over the failure of Pristina’s Interpol bid.

Serbian Interior Minister reacts as Pristina Interpol bid fails (B92)

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has declared a victory in Dubai, where Interpol is holding its General Assembly, B92 reports.

Namely, the latest attempt of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo to join the organization - which Serbia strongly opposed - has failed.

Stefanovic celebrated with a tweet showing the room where the voting took place, with the word "VICTORY" in Serbian superimposed over it.