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Kosovo arrests Marko Djuric for illegal entry (Prishtina Insight)

Kosovo Police arrested the head of Serbia's 'Office for Kosovo and Metohija' in North Mitrovica.

Kosovo Police confirmed to BIRN on Monday that Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government’s Kosovo office, had been arrested on Monday for illegal entry and transferred to Pristina by the Specialized Operational Unit of Kosovo Police.

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Over 5,000 Kosovars applied for asylum in the EU during 2017 (Prishtina Insight)

The number of Kosovars seeking asylum decreased last year, similarly to other countries in the region, but Albania continues to be a concern with over 20,000 applicants in the past year.

There were 5,310 first-time asylum seekers from Kosovo in the EU during 2017, according to new data published by Eurostat, the EU statistics agency.

Igballe Rogova: ‘Enough talk, enough violence, we want action’ (Prishtina Insight)

The Kosova Women’s Network published a report that analyzes institutional response to gender-based violence in Kosovo.

Kosovo Police need advanced trainings for police and prosecutors to handle domestic violence cases, argues a new report by the Kosovo Women’s Network, KWN, published on Monday.

The report, titled “From Words to Action?” examines the handling of gender-based violence cases by local institutions.

Rights group: Kosovo Serbs’ access to citizenship hindered (Prishtina Insight)

A new draft report published by the Equal Rights for All Coalition argues that Kosovo authorities should prioritize civil registry procedures for minorities.

As Kosovo institutions further extend their reach in the north, the everyday relevance of Kosovo documents for northern residents will increase, and Kosovo authorities must ensure easy civil registry procedures, a new draft report argues.

Vucic to visit Kosovo, police continue investigating Ivanovic murder (Prishtina Insight)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic plans to visit Kosovo on Saturday; meanwhile, Kosovo Police investigate the origin and ownership of a car used by Oliver Ivanovic’s assassins.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is expected to come to Kosovo this Saturday following the killing of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic on Tuesday morning.

Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government’s office for Kosovo, announced Vucic’s visit on RTS, the Serbian national broadcaster,

Kosovo allocates emergency funds for domestic violence shelters (Prishtina Insight)

Domestic violence shelters that shut down due to budgetary delays are expected to reopen by Monday; meanwhile, only the shelter in Gjakova remains to be functional.

On Friday, after reports that domestic violence shelters in Kosovo had been shut down for January and February due to budgetary delays, the Kosovo Government allocated 65,000 euros to the shelters at a cabinet meeting.

The shame of Kosovar society: No one talks about the victims (Prishtina Insight)

Publicist Enver Robelli writes in in opinion piece that while the attention of the media and the public in Kosovo is focusing on whether the law on specialist chambers is going to be repealed or not and who could stand to be indicted by it, there is no talk on why this court was created in the first place: Kosovo's failure to punish the criminals and to treat victims with dignity, regardless of their ethnicities. "Instead of being praised for their bravery, witnesses were seen as traitors. Victims were mainly ignored.

Victims of holiday firearm discharges criticize PM Haradinaj’s comments (Prishtina Insight)

Victims of stray bullets, which have caused disabling injuries and deaths in the past, criticize PM Haradinaj’s lax attitude towards weapons, demanding that festive shooting be stopped.

On the eve of 2011, a child from Prizren who was standing in his front yard was struck in the skull by a fatal stray bullet. His mother, Shpresa Dautaj Kellic, recalls the devastating moment in which she lost her son as the year 2010 turned to 2011.