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Headlines - 16.09.2013

UNMIK Headlines 14 September

• Rama concludes visit to Kosovo (dailies)
• Kosovo-Macedonia border opens for traffic (dailies)
• Kosovo getting ready to apply for UN membership (Tribuna)
• Brussels leaves it to CEC to decide on “Serbia” list (Tribuna)
• Ivanovic: Attack on my family politically motivated (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 14.09.2013

UNMIK Headlines 13 September

• Kosovo at point zero regarding European criteria (Tribuna)
• Constitutional Court decrypts amnesty (Koha Ditore)
• Kuçi does not remove the tax (dailies)
• Assembly doesn’t support PTK privatisation (Koha Ditore)
• Albanian PM Edi Rama to visit Kosovo today (dailies)
• Civil Protection attacks the family of Ivanovic (dailies)
• PDK does not know if Thaçi had a meeting with Djindjic (Koha Ditore)
• Geci’s convicted with 36 years in prison for murder of Gani Berisha (dailies)

Headlines - 13.09.2013

UNMIK Headlines 12 September

• Kosovo and Macedonia aim to resolve disputes by Friday (Koha Ditore)
• Thaçi sidesteps Kusari-Lila (Zëri)
• Fate of the Srbija list to be decided in Brussels (Koha Ditore)
• After elections, dialogue with a new form (Tribuna)
• Zarif: BIK has promoted inter-religious tolerance (Epoka e Re)
• Thaçi, working lunch with Pahor (Koha Ditore)
• Barroso: EU helped Serbia and Kosovo reach agreement (Koha Ditore)
• Deda: Pacolli, Kusari confirmed KEK money taken by government (Koha)
• Thaçi’s minister alleged to be part of parallel structures (Zëri)

Headlines - 12.09.2013

UNMIK Headlines 11 September

• Pahor: Serbs to accept they are a minority in Kosovo (dailies)
• Attack on Macedonian Embassy in Pristina (Bota Sot)
• Macedonia allows only passage of goods from third countries (dailies)
• Kusari-Lila: This situation can have consequences (Epoka e Re)
• Serbia creates yet another illegal structure in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)
• The north to have its own energy and telecom operators (Koha)
• Thaçi briefs Quint on details of telecom and energy agreements (Tribuna)
• Agreement for police cooperation fails to be reached (Zëri)

Headlines - 11.09.2013

UNMIK Headlines 10 September

• Government hides agreements, waits for “signal” from EU (Koha Ditore)
• “Trade war” wages on, Skopje threatens to impose visa regime (dailies)
• Footnote did not meet expectations (Tribuna)
• Decision on the “Srbija” list on Tuesday (Koha Ditore)
• Jasmina Vasic appointed deputy minister of KSF (dailies)
• RTK director sacks RTK 2’s editor-in-chief (Koha Ditore)