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Kurti: The agreement, start of the great changes in Kosovo (kohaonline)

After the meeting with the leaders and representatives of the Coalition Block, Vetevendosje leader, Albin Kurti, stressed for the media that Vetevendosje Movement will hold a referendum with regards to the establishment of the new government, which will change Kosovo both in political and socio-economic aspects.

“What we did today, after three months of our discussions, is that we agreed to put Kosovo in the tracks of justice, development, equality, war against corruption, while establishment of the government and participation in the government will be arranged by a future agreement.

The stress of this agreement is economic development, principled governance, institutional reforms, social welfare, and of course, we have included in this agreement the issues of the dialogue with the European Union, for Kosovo’s membership in the EU. Then, with the EU institutions, we certainly have the dialogue with Kosovo Serbs, for their integration in the society and we have the dialogue in general, which will by all means be principled the same as the future government.

Great changes in Kosovo are starting from today. After making the renewal of the old regime impossible, we are now enabling a new government without regime, where the citizen of the Republic of Kosovo will have the main attention. The text of the agreement, which we will distribute in written, makes it clear what we agreed upon. In fact, it is not that you do not know.

So the text of the agreement is clear and there is no need for additional comments.  Functioning of institutions and democratic state building will not follow the steps of the past governments. This is a new development for the benefit of Kosovo. This development means that we are setting Kosovo and its citizens in the tracks of progress, justice, principals, which was not the case so far.

Therefore, I am optimistic, that just as we reached this agreement, we will reach the other one on the governing programme and on the matters of responsibilities at the executive. In this new path of the republican state, with economic development, social welfare, reduction of crime and corruption, Kosovo will move forward with certain steps, and a guarantee for this is our continuous cooperation.

We have to stick to the text of the agreement, which stresses continuously the economic development, rule of law, state of justice and social welfare. Kosovo needs a new agenda in order to make positive change,” says statement of the Vetevendosje Movement, distributed electronically to the media.