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Trepca debts “sober up” the Government, Assembly to reconvene in the afternoon (Koha online)

Today’s meeting of the Assembly of Kosovo started with almost one and a half hour delay, and closed only ten minutes later, with an announcement that an extraordinary meeting of the legislation will be held at 14:00 hours.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa and his Deputy, Hashim Thaci, gathered with respective Ministers to the Government building, while Serb Ministers gathered separately at another hall.
Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, initially informed the deputies about the agenda of the Assembly session, according to which, the Draft Law for Amendment and Change of the Law on Reorganization and Change of Certain Enterprises and Their Property, which was to be discussed with an accelerated procedure and by bypassing the Rules of Procedure, would be delayed for another meeting, since the Government has faced some obstacles that require a review.
Justifying this delay, the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, said that the bill was prepared for a long time. “However, in the meantime, we have faced the problem of major financial obligations of Trepca, according to some data, over €1.4 billion, that we have to resolve. The Government of Kosovo is trying to create conditions for its normal functioning, which is an interest of Trepca employees and an interest of the country. Therefore we found it reasonable to reconsider the Draft Law once again, in order to come up with a solution that would prevent its privatization, bankruptcy” Mustafa said.
Mustafa proposed to hold the extraordinary meeting of the Assembly on this issue at 14:00 hours, while the session for endorsement of the law, for tomorrow.
Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli said that based on the regulation, there is no debate when the sponsor withdraws the draft law and called heads of parliamentary groups to meet after 30 minutes in order to decide on the the proposal of the Prime Minister for further meetings of the Assembly and its agenda.
In a separate article, this portal informs that the Assembly session is delayed for 17:00 hours. It is not known if the deputies would discuss exclusively about Trepca. Serbia’s Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, told Serbian media earlier today that the Assembly of Kosovo will discuss the law on Trepca on 21 January.