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AAK speaks about blocking Assembly Commissions, NISMA about boycott (Gazeta Express)

Except for blocking of the work of the Assembly of Kosovo, opposition parties claim that they will also obstruct work of the Parliamentary Commissions.  The five Assembly Commissions planned to adjourn today at 10:00 hours to endorse the draft laws proposed by the government, will be boycotted by the three position parties, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje Movement.

AAK deputy Pal Lekaj, said that opposition has decided to block parliamentary commissions, while head of the NISMA Parliamentary Group, Valdete Bajrami said that blockade of the work of parliamentary commissions is not excluded.  “The current decision is to make holding of the sessions impossible and to boycott the commissions,” Bajrami said.

According to Lekaj, the reason for the blockade are the recent developments starting from the agreement for demarcation of the border to the agreements reached in Brussels which led to the blockade of the sessions, teargas, Albin Kurti’s arrest and finally police clashes with Vetevendosje activists. “If the signatures are not withdrawn, opposition will continue with its actions,” continued Lakaj.

Government coalition parties appealed on the other hand to the deputies of the three opposition parties to stop the blocking actions at the Assembly and return to debate and facts. The EU and the U.S. also appealed to avoid violence at the Assembly.