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Opposition optimistic that the Government is reflecting toward their demands (

Opposition parties assess that the Government has started to change its position towards the requests of the opposition parties on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro. According to the officials of opposition parties, this is happening due to the activities of the opposition. These comments come a day after Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said that if the Constitutional Court assesses that the agreement for Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, is anti-constitutional, then the agreement will be re-discussed. He also called for an international expertize on the demarcation of the border with Montenegro.
Fatmire Mulhaxha-Kolcaku from Vetevendosje movement, said that the government is softening its rhetoric. “It is more than certain that these agreements are not in accordance with the Constitution and they seriously violate the sovereignty of the country,” Mulhaxha-Kolcaku said.
Deputy from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Time Kadriaj assessed that the government is being convinced that opposition’s objections are just. “It is good that the government is finally reflecting, because when initially these objections were a taboo, and all government officials stated that not even an inch of Kosovo’s land is being given to Montenegro, She added that there will be no cooperation with the government prior to the withdrawal of the agreements.