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Derguti: We will oppose Friday’s session (Koha)

Deputy President of the Assembly of Kosovo from Vetevendosje movement, Aida Derguti, participated today at the meeting of the Assembly Presidency, which decided to hold the regular session of the Assembly on Friday. Referring to the Agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, Derguti said that the government is insisting to bring back into life a dead agreement.

She also objected the idea of holding a solemn session on the eighth anniversary of Kosovo’s independence, saying that the proposal for this session was not serious. “Because one cannot call for a session within a single day. Except for this, it more appeared as a session of grudge, being that opposition has already called for protest for tomorrow,” Derguti said adding that the protest was called many weeks ago. “It is not the first time for them to act in this manner. Prior to each protest, old files are opened. Frasher Krasniqi’s arrest is not a coincidence, being that he commences all the communication with the media. And many other officials are being arrested. However, this will not diminish the protest,” Derguti said.

Speaking about Friday’s session, Derguti said the Presidency should assess the realistic situation prior to calling for the session. “The Presidency, obeying to the government, called for the session. Our positions have not changed, we will continue with opposition,” Derguti said.