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Sejdiu: Pronto clan abuses friendship with the U.S (RTKlive)

Deputy leader of the Vetëvendosje movement, Dardan Sejdiu, wrote on his Facebook page that Kosovo has not used the U.S. support properly.

“Despite the fact that there were many visits of the senior U.S. officials to Kosovo since the declaration of independence, including Bill Clinton in November 2009, Hillary Clinton in October 2010, Philip Reeker in January 2012, John Kerry in December 2015, Victoria Nuland in 2014 and again this year, and finally yesterday’s visit of Joe Biden, who also visited in 2009, this friendship of the U.S. has been abused by the Pronto clan. Kosovo still lacks army and economy, justice and healthcare, democracy and republic. The visits were used by Pronto clan, to legitimize their crimes and propaganda which only contributed on undoing of the Republic.

No other country has failed as much as Kosovo on its development, having the U.S. support. Examples of the states like Southern Korea, prove the lost opportunities of Kosovo due to Pronto clan.

During these years and in-between these numerous visits, the Pronto clan placed comfortably  family members and supporters at boards, destroyed economy, usurped prosecution and judiciary, divided Kosovo and now it is trying to give away lands.

Friendship with the U.S. should be an ALLIANCE. South Korea should be an example. While Pronto clan should be dismissed in order to reach this goal,” Sejdiu wrote.