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Historians: History will judge as traitors MPs that support demarcation (Kosovapress)

The League of Kosovo Historians, the branch in Deçan, has again called on members of the Kosovo Assembly not to vote in favor of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. They called on MPs to rise above their political interests, to listen to the call of the people and not ratify an agreement that is detrimental to the people of Kosovo. “The chairmanship of the branch in Deçan believes that the border delineation by the state committee led by Murat Meha constitutes a serious breach of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo because it failed to respect the 1974 borderline … History shall have no mercy for those members of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo that will give away land to Montenegro. Their shameful names will be remembered in Albanian history as traitors of the nation. We believe that we have no land to give away,” a press release noted.