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President Thaci calls for thorough legislative changes (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci, said today that in line with his promises when he took up office, he has requested and initiated the amendment of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. “I have made this request in order to eliminate legal gaps and to strengthen the laws,” Thaci said at the first meeting of the working group that will amend the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code, organised by the Ministry of Justice. Thaci also said: “we are witnesses to global changes and Kosovo is not immune to the current threats. These threats require a stronger legal infrastructure in order to combat them. As President, I have highlighted Kosovo’s priority to fight corruption and crime. I encourage the working group to pay special attention to certain legal provisions that will equip the institutions with the right competencies to fight these phenomena. I also want to reiterate my commitment to support every initiative by the institutions to strengthen the legal framework. I strongly believe that initiatives like this show that Kosovo is very serious and determined to combat crime and to strengthen the rule of law. Kosovo has declared war on organised crime and corruption and the concrete actions are the best evidence of this. I want to encourage the Ministry of Justice and other institutions to coordinate their efforts in order to have thorough, comprehensive and implementable legislative changes”.