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O'Connell considers Kosovo and Serbia should continue dialogue (media)

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kosovo, Ruairi O’Connell, considers that Kosovo and Serbia should continue with the dialogue mediated by the European Union. In an interview for Radio Kosova, O’Connell said that he does not believe the recently increased tensions between Kosovo and Serbia could lead to a new conflict.  “I am very pleased that the Presidents and the Prime Ministers, as far as I know, agreed to lower tensions and this is very important,” O’Connell said. He added that Albanians are majority in Kosovo therefore they have sacred responsibility to keep connections with Serb community and do the utmost to strengthen them.

Asked whether the dialogue should continue in the same format or if Kosovo should change the approach towards the dialogue, O’Connell said Kosovo does not have the right to just change the format, being that this is a format between the two parties. “However, I would say that we should keep the principal of problems being resolved through dialogue,” he said mentioning further the so far achievements.

Asked if he thinks that Russia is extending its influence in Balkans, O’Connell said that we have Russia’s seen several attempts to extend its influence in the entire world, however, he said, this is not unusual for a power. “But I think that we should not be concerned about presence or lack of presence of arms. “I do not have information of Serbs being armed or not. In fact we have to admit that many citizens in Kosovo possess arms since the end of the war and I do not expect some conflict. So, I do understand the concern of the citizens, but KFOR is here, EULEX as well, and the international community would in no manner accept new conflicts in Kosovo.

Asked if he thinks that Special Court indictments could cause turbulences in Kosovo, O’Connell said that there were many cases when Kosovars were indicted and trialed by the International Hague Tribunal, which did not cause turbulences or tensions. “It is clear to me that each crime should be tried, no matter who was the perpetrator or eventual perpetrator of the crime,” he said.

Speaking about the border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro, O’Connell said that demarcation has been a bilateral technical agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro, therefore he does not see any harm from this process. “But what caused damage was use of teargas as well as threats and violence.”

Asked if Serbian parallel structures in the north could unilaterally establish the Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities, which is being opposed by opposition parties in Kosovo O’Connell said establishment of the Association was agreed at the Brussels dialogue. “We have the same message for Kosovo and Serbia, the things agreed in Brussels should implement in order for Kosovo and Serbia, especially for Kosovo to create the idea that Kosovo is a reliable international partner which implements international agreements that it signs and this is very important.”