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Thaci: Kosovo to have stable, pro-European and multiethnic government (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said in an interview for Austrian daily Salzburger Nachrichten that he would like to see Brussels more engaged in the Western Balkans region but that he was not expecting any “miracles” from the meeting between the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Western Balkans leaders.

Asked about visa liberalisation, Thaci said that Kosovo fulfiled all 94 conditions set out by the EU. “Then came the condition 95. This has not been fulfiled still because of internal political issues but i hope it will be implemented as soon as possible. However, it is unnaceptable for the EU to isolate Kosovo and its citizens from Europe”, Thaci said. He added that all the delays in the Western Balkans EU integration process creates room for the spreading of religious or nationalistic ideologies as well Rusian influence. “Brussles is not playing the role of a leader, of an engine, but only reacts to developments in the region as a passive observer”.

Thaci said further that Kosovo is “the most pro-European” in the Western Balkans and that upcoming elections will not change this. “I remain convinced that we will have a stable, pro-European and multiethnic government, capable of continuing reforms”.