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Kurti: Serb judges singed the oath which does not mention Kosovo (RTK)

Referring to an unofficial document on nomination of Serb judges in the north of Kosovo,  Vetevendosje Movement MP Albin Kurti, said these judges were nominated by signing a statement which does not mention Kosovo state and its Constitution anywhere in its text.

He also said the declaration does not mention loyalty of Serb judges towards Kosovo.

“And instead of the Constitution of Kosovo, it is said that these judges apparently took for basis the first Thaci-Dacic Agreement, in April 2013,” Kurti said.

According to him, the Agreement on Justice, signed on 10 February 2015 between the governments of Kosovo and Serbia, foresees for the Head of the Basic Court for Mitrovica region to be a Serb while from the total number of the employees, 147 to be Albanians and 170 Serbs. “Serb citizens will be trialed only by Serb officials, while Albanians by whoever is available,” said Kurti.

Kurti assessed that with this text for nomination, President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci has removed every sign of statehood, avoided the Republic by depoliticizing Kosovo and leaving it only as a geographic term. “In this manner, Serb judges and prosecutors are not being integrated in Kosovo state, but President Hashim Thaci is being integrated in the agreed justice of Serbia,” Kurti said.