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 Government: Voices to bring down Haradinaj’s government, not serious (Radio Kosova)

According to the government political parties, filing a motion to bring down Haradinaj’s government, would not succeed. MPs from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told Radio Kosova that such initiatives are not serious at all.

“These initiatives are more in the spirit of election campaign, especially now on the verge of the runoff, than a serious initiative. Be it as it may, the right for motion exists and opposition parties can try this whenever they please. But Haradinaj government is continuing to do good work and it is sustainable when numbers at the Assembly are concerned.

Nezir Kraki, lecturer of political sciences at University of Paris, said a new round of elections would cause stagnation of Kosovo in many fields. “All the delays caused during Mustafa’s governing, such as ratification of demarcation, stagnation of the discussions with Serbia, complete stagnation in relation with Serbs in the north, all these major files that have blocked Kosovo, would enter a new cycle of blockade for additional one or two years. So far, neither the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) nor Kosovo in general, have interests to go for elections,” Kraki said.

LDK officials announced that they could file a motion of distrust on the current government. Vetevendosje Movement announced that they would support any initiative of bringing down the government, led by PM Haradinaj.