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The Government values the report of prosecutor Williamson, announces continuance of support (Koha Ditore)

The Government of Kosovo has issued a press release where it values the report of Ambassador Clint Williamson on the investigations based on the claims of the European Council Rapporteur, Dick Marty on trafficking of human organs by the members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

“The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has taken into consideration today’s statement by the Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) of the European Union, regarding the independent investigations into the alleged war crimes mentioned in the European Council Report drafted by Dick Marty in January 2011. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has cooperated with the SITF during the entire process and will continue such cooperation until these investigations are concluded. This was demonstrated by the approval of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo to create a Special Chamber within Kosovo’s legal system to address these issues. This is the best proof that Kosovo is a legal state and will continue to undertake all required steps for full cooperation with international partners in pursuance of this process. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo values the conclusion of Ambassador Williamson’s work, which is a significant step towards the eventual determination of individual responsibility and which brings an end to other claims related to unproven accusations. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is determined to continue the process of dialogue for normalization of relations with Serbia, as well as the European integration and NATO membership processes.”