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Kosovo will soon have its army (Turkish Weekly)

The transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the Army of Kosovo has no other alternative now. The new parliament of Kosovo will vote the formation of Armed Forces immediately after it’s constituted.

This was said by institutional and military leaders on Wednesday in the manifestation held in the “Adem Jashari” barracks in Pristina, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the formation of Kosovo’s Security Force.

Commander of Kosovo Security Forces (KSF), general lieutenant Kadri Kastrati, said that FSK will celebrate its seventh anniversary with a new name, Kosovo’s Armed Forces.

“As a commander of KSF, I can say that KSF is ready to be transformed into the Armed Forces of Kosovo and to commit itself to new tasks for the protection of the country and its citizens. This is a very noble duty and we’re entirely committed to it”, said Kastrati.

Acting minister of Kosovo Security Forces, Agim Ceku said that one of the first decisions that will be taken by the parliament of Kosovo will be to transform the armed forces into a military.

“KSF is waiting a new mission, new tasks, new responsibilities and new powers which relate to the mission that every army has in a normal state. I believe that one of the first decisions that parliament of Kosovo will take is to formalize the army of Kosovo”, declared Ceku by adding that the finalization of this project has a wide and powerful support from international allies.

Speeches were also delivered by the president of Kosovo and PM of Kosovo.

“The creation of Armed Forces of Kosovo has no other alternative. It’s a priority for the parliament of Kosovo to form the Armed Forces as soon as possible in order to complete the full constitution of our state”, said the president.

“We all believe in you to defend Kosovo and to cooperate with strategic partners”, said the president to members of Kosovo Security Forces.

In this activity, Jahjaga demanded for the institutions of Kosovo to be formed as soon as possible in order for faith of the citizens on institutions to be restored.

“We need to form our stable and responsible institutions as soon as possible, in order to deliver our promise made to our citizens, for a different and more developed Kosovo”, said Jahjaga.

Like Jahjaga, PM Hashim Thaci said that the new institutions of Kosovo, which according to him, will soon be formed, will draft the necessary legislation in order to transform KSF into Armed Forces.

He said that KSF will initially boost partnership for peace with NATO until the full accession, as a major objective and vision of the state.

“The Euro Atlantic perspective of KSF will be a priority of the new government which will be formed in the days to come. We assure you that the new institutions that have come out of the free votes of the citizens of Kosovo will take prompt decisions for the creation of the Armed Forces of Kosovo”, said Thaci.

Present in this manifestation were also high political and military personalities, representatives of the Committee for Security Forces, KFOR commander, ambassadors accredited in Kosovo, etc.