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Kosovo Public TV accused of censorship (Turkish Weekly)

Sixty of the top editors and journalists at Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK) have accused general director Mentor Shala of censorship and mismanagement over the sacking of two members of the RTK Journalists’ Union.

Shala dismissed newsroom editor Arsim Halili and RTK union president Fadil Hoxha in late March for allegedly “posing a threat to RTK and causing serious damage to its image”.

EU Commissioner Hails Kosovo For Curbing Illegal Migration (Turkish Weekly)

Dimitris Avramopolous, the European Commissioner for Migration, praised the downward trend in illegal migration from Kosovo, saying visa liberalisation with the EU was in reach.

The EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, lauded the recent drop in illegal migration to EU countries.

Serbian PM Vucic urges Kosovo Serbs to live in peace (Turkish Weekly)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has called on Serbs to live in peace with their Albanian neighbors as he began his official visit to Kosovo. His call came on Wednesday after he attended the opening ceremony of a maternity hospital in Pasjane municipality, east of the capital Pristina, where many Serbs live.

Kosovo leaders tour historic Serb Monastery (Turkish Weekly)

Kosovo's President and Prime Minister paid a goodwill visit to the monastery of Visoki Decani on Orthodox Christmas in a fresh attempt to bridge differences between Kosovo's Albanians and Serbs.

Kosovo's new Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, called for unity between the country’s two main ethnic groups during a visit with President Atifete Jahjaga to the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Decani on Wednesday.

Kosovo: EU justice efforts shadowed by controversy (Turkish Weekly)

Kosovo agreed to support a new European-backed special court to try top war crimes suspects despite dissent from ex-guerrillas, while the EU rule-of-law mission was hit by corruption claims.

Under pressure from the European Union, Kosovo MPs voted in April 2014 to ratify a deal with Brussels to set up a new special court that will be located outside the country in order to prosecute serious crimes committed during and after the 1998-99 war with Serbian forces.

Kosovo, Albania ‘most corrupt countries in region’ (Turkish Weekly)

4 December 2014

According to the 2014 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, Kosovo and Albania continue to be the most corrupt countries in South-East Europe.

According to the index published by the Berlin-based watchdog on Wednesday, Albania and Kosovo are ranked joint 110th out of 174 countries around the world that were assessed in the report.

Kosovo will soon have its army (Turkish Weekly)

The transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the Army of Kosovo has no other alternative now. The new parliament of Kosovo will vote the formation of Armed Forces immediately after it’s constituted.

This was said by institutional and military leaders on Wednesday in the manifestation held in the “Adem Jashari” barracks in Pristina, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the formation of Kosovo’s Security Force.

Kosovo’s diplomacy focused on lobbying for new recognitions of the independence (Turkish Weekly)

4 September 2014

Senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs say that the UN General Assembly Session which will be held this month in New York, will be used by the delegation of Kosovo for lobbying.

Deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, Petrit Selimi says that the focus of the delegation of Kosovo, which will be led by president Atifete Jahjaga will be new recognitions of the independence of Kosovo.