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New Year, New Government, New Challenges (Kosova Sot)

The Deputy President of  European Parliament,  Ulrike Lunacek in an opinion piece for Kosova Sot, has raised her concerns whether the new government will be able to bring change and reform, which are so urgently needed in Kosovo. Lunacek calls on the new government to strictly follow some priorities, including strengthening the rule of law and legal system, combat corruption and organized crime and to work more on economic development.

Further on, Lunacek writes that her next report on Kosovo, which will be submitted in spring of 2015, among other things, will focus on repeating the request for the five EU member states which have not yet recognized Kosovo's independence. “My report will also make it clear that the EU should do more for passing on Kosovo a clear perspective of EU membership,” writes Lunacek.  According to her, the increasing number of Kosovo people that are leaving Kosovo is sending a bad signal to the EU. “The more asylum seekers from Kosovo who enter the EU, the more difficult will be visa liberalization, even if Kosovo will implement all technical requirements.”