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Where have you been during the last 15 years? (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial  of this daily criticizes the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), respectively its leaders, Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, for lacking to initiate earlier a judicial procedure against Serbia for damages and crimes in Kosovo.  “Why didn’t you bother earlier to address the consequences of violence, massacres, burnings and destructions that Belgrade regime caused to Albanians? Not only that you were not preoccupied with the tragedy that our population faced, but you also showed readiness to sit on the table with Milosevic’s successors, and not even mention the several billion war damage” writes this daily.

The editorial further criticizes PDK leaders for focusing only on how to grow rich for themselves with the money of the Kosovo taxpayers. “Fifteen years after the war, you “surprise” us with a resolution which concerns charges against Serbia. This initiative is not only extremely delayed, but it is also insincere and insulting for the population which endured terrible losses,” notes this editorial, adding further that the initiative is typical for the Democratic Party of Kosovo which is used to deceive and mistreat the population of Kosovo.