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Special court myths (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku in his weekly column for the paper writes that Kosovo continues to make wrong decisions that can likely affect the fate of a whole generation. In this respect, the failed vote on the establishment of specialist chambers by the members of the Kosovo Assembly was a step in the wrong direction and the motion’s opponents created certain myths while arguing against the court, says Abdixhiku. Myth number one, according to Abdixhiku, is that special court’s opponents supported the view of absolute innocence of the Albanian side in the Kosovo conflict and claimed that any tendency to try Albanians of war crimes would stain the entire liberation war. They also argued that the special court would have a selective approach to war crimes cases but while the intention was to set up a court to address specific charges in a Council of Europe report, this would not prevent the Kosovo judicial system to file indictments for other crimes not included in the CoE report, says Abdixhiku. What he expects though is for Kosovo to demonstrate maturity in consolidating the damage done and this is not achieved through stubbornness or outbursts against foreign embassies but through the parting of all those who brought Kosovo to this state.