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Deep mistrust between Kosovars and internationals (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, argues in his opinion piece that one today can easily find senior Western diplomats who unofficially express negative remarks about certain Kosovo’s politicians. “And certainly, Chuck Sudetic, a former associate of Carla del Ponte, was able to find such diplomats in Brussels and Washington when he authored a very incriminating article against Hashim Thaci and Kosovo’s leadership”. Palokaj notes that when commenting on some of Kosovo’s top political leaders, Western diplomats often say “we know they are not good guys, but we have no choice but to work with them, despite the fact that we don’t trust them”. Palokaj writes that “to make matters worse, the international community, especially after the EULEX crisis in Kosovo, no longer enjoys the trust it once had among Kosovars”. According to Palokaj, many Western diplomats don’t believe that PDK leader Hashim Thaci wants the formation of the special court and they don’t believe that he has done everything in his power to make sure that the Assembly will pass the constitutional amendments. In closing, Palokaj argues that similar to the effect of the Dick Marty report, the formation of the special court too will damage Kosovo’s image, regardless of the future verdicts. “Kosovo will be the only country from the former Yugoslavia for which the international community has deemed necessary to have a special court, despite the fact that the local courts, EULEX, ICTY and even Serbian courts have already addressed allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. This proves how little trust there is in Kosovo and its ability to have a proper judicial system”.