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Chaotic governments produce extremist opposition (Gazeta Express)

Instead of an editorial, Gazeta Express carries the speech of its editor in chief, Berat Buzhal, during a gathering of the media representatives and those of the civil society, invited by Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, to discuss the blockade of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Buzhala noted that it would have not been serious to analyze the current created crisis as an isolated one, and criticized both the government and the opposition for separation from the people of Kosovo. “You are playing alone, without spectators,” he said adding that if population was involved, the streets of the city would have been full of them. “In reality, these are unresolved issues among the war commanders, who now want to divide the arena physically,” he noted adding that their inspiration comes from political extremists and fundamentalists.  “The state is not being harmed by the Association as the third level of the government, but by the commanders as the first level of the government. They are with both their feet above the law. They have the right to block any institution, violate every Law, including the Constitution, without fear that someone could intervene against them. I certainly do not expect the police to enter the Assembly and drag out Ramush, Fatmir, Daut, Rexhe or Lahi. Not because they do not want to, but because they do not dare,” said Buzhala, adding that if it was for Albin, Visar or Glauk from Vetevendosje, they would have acted so long time ago.

According to Buzhala, Hashim Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo carries the main responsibility for the created situation in Kosovo, for failing to establish law and order in Kosovo for seven years. He notes that except for the above mentioned commanders, those from PDK do not respect the law either.

He stresses that violence, wanted by the opposition and deserved by PDK, is unavoidable. “If I was the Assembly Speaker, I would not allow police forces to intervene inside the Assembly either. Because you would be entering the history as the politician who induced violence,” noted Buzhala addressing Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker. “From now on, numbers are irrelevant and the agreement for Association too. The battle is taking place for something else. Perhaps we had to reach this point. Perhaps it is a social need to overcome it,” he notes adding that Kosovo is dysfunctional not because of the opposition but first of all because of PDK, then LDK, AAK and NISMA. Vetevendosje are the only ones not to be blamed on this issue, this extremist party is product of decadent and unrighteous parties, as it happened in Cuba in the fifties and Iran in seventies and eighties.

“This is bad news for the society, but perhaps not for democracy. Perhaps this society needs a restart, a refresh…This is only the last part of the over ten-year comedy of pretending to build a state,” concluded Buzhala.