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Current government unable to implement SAA (Kosova Sot)

The front page of this daily notes that no one can question the importance of the Stabilization Association Agreement, despite the legal and political specifications due to the EU’s neutrality toward Kosovo’s status. However, except for the opportunities, SAA involves a range of duties and priorities that should be in the agenda of the governing officials of Kosovo. However, continues the paper, every argument proves that the current governing coalition, which is deeply corrupted and under criminal influence of Mafiosi politics, will sabotage the duties deriving from SAA. No one can expect from an incriminated government to make decisions on the rule of law, reform the politicized and incapable administration, guarantee a free economy of trade and fair competition. Mustafa and Thaci are interested to fulfill all internationals’ and Serbs’ requests in the Brussels process, despite the damages caused to Kosovo through the asymmetrical dialogue only to gain formal support while they are in power and if possible during the future elections as well…Therefore, if we want to see implementation of the SAA, we should have a new clean, brave, visionary government as soon as possible, concludes this daily.