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A year that needs to sober up a people (Koha Ditore)

Looking ahead to 2016, columnist Enver Robelli observes that the citizens of Kosovo will continue to face the same problems as during the outgoing year: “lack of democrats to build a functioning state.” 2016 will also be the year when the Special Court will begin its work and, according to Robelli, some of the people responsible for “staining” Kosovo are expected to face it. Even with these people out of the way, Kosovo will still lack democrats, he says adding that it is final time for the society to find people that can take Kosovo out of the political stalemate and restore faith. Robelli says 2015 was a year of continuation of poverty, signs of which were evident in the influx of migrants leaving Kosovo in search of a better future in the EU. 2015 is also the year when the reputation of the EU rule of law mission (EULEX) was greatly impaired by allegations of corruption amongst the mission’s leadership and of poor strategies. In addition, 2015 was a year of the teargas, writes Robelli. “This battle is set to stretch into 2016 – with or without the teargas. It will not be an easy year but we hope it will be a year when all the citizens of Kosovo see the light at the end of the tunnel. 2015 was a good opportunity for the citizens to sober up,” he concludes.