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With arrogance towards opposition, Kosovo Government deepens crisis (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj writes that the “ease” with which the international community views the latest developments in Kosovo, should make the local leaders take action to decrease tensions and prevent further deepening of the political crisis. Palokaj says there is no doubt that the current government of Kosovo enjoys considerable support from the international community but it has adopted a wrong approach in presenting the opposition’s protests as doomed. He claims the people in Kosovo are becoming increasingly supportive of opposition’s protest partly because of the Constitutional Court’s decision confirming that parts of the agreement on establishment of Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities are anti-constitutional and partly because of the growing discontent with the overall situation. Palokaj says the government leaders should not downplay or ignore the demands of the opposition and should instead seriously consider them. “The Government of Kosovo should finally end its arrogance towards the protests and the opposition because as time goes by it becomes increasingly evident that the praise from the international community will not make Kosovo a functional and democratic country nor will it ensure the progress of the dialogue and implementation of agreements,” writes Palokaj. Furthermore, he adds, the international community needs to play a constructive role in this “internal political conflict” in Kosovo and not take sides. “The international community should lend its support to Kosovo and not to certain individuals,” Palokaj suggests.