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The future steps towards a new government (Koha Ditore)

Enver Robelli in a column for the paper writes that the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo is acting blind towards the reality. His calls “I have the mandate to create the government,” sound like those of Louis XIV “L’etat c’est moi,” says Robelli adding that the truth is that no party is ready to join him in a coalition.

Robelli considers that Thaçi should ask himself why is he unwanted by the other parties and find the answer on his political actions, the manner in which he governed, on deceiving his political partners, his games and traps, unfulfilled promises, one-source tenders, the manner he sold public property, mysterious suicide of the chief of the Privatization Agency, infiltration of party militants at every single institution, slander of these militants about everyone who did not obey to his despotic governing.

“The Constitution does not leave any dilemma: the one who gathers majority at the Assembly creates the government. Thaçi does not have majority at the Assembly therefore he should give up actions which mine democratic order. President Atifete Jahjaga should not stoop to the un-constitutional threats of the Democratic Party of Kosovo. The leaders that signed the agreement for the new parliamentary majority should notify the President officially about this fact, writes Robelli.