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17 February and 28 November are days to be celebrated (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa writes in an opinion piece today that 17 February – Kosovo Independence Day and 28 November, Albania Independence Day are days to be celebrated and not used for political interests and violent protests. “Kosovo was not easily liberated. Entire generations made sacrifices in the name of independence. Around 15,000 people were killed in the last war and 20,000 women were raped by Serbian military forces and to this day there are still 1600 missing persons. These are facts that do not give anyone the right to violently attack the insititutions of Kosovo.” Mustafa writes. Further on he also expresses his suspicions over the funds of the opposition parties for violent activities against institutions. “The question is who is funding all these activities against the state. Lots of money is needed for advertising materials and TV spots, protesters’ transportation costs and other daily activities. The law requires that these costs be controlled,” he writes.

According to Mustafa, in the end the result was that neither border demarcation with Montenegro nor the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities were the real causes of the crisis. “The opposition aims to overthrow the government and take power through violence. Early elections and violence caused by the minority are the best way to lead the country into institutional chaos. I was also part of the coalition with the Allaince for the Future of Kosovo, Vetevendosje and Initiative for Kosovo in 2014, but their behavior and especially Vetevendosje’s behavior, convinced me that the state cannot be run with such a mentality, despite the desire for change. Opposition’s current actions damage Kosovo but they have no power to ruin the state. I as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, believe in the state and the citizens.” Mustafa concludes.