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Concert at the end of mandate (Koha Ditore)

Enver Robelli writes in his regular column for the paper that as talks are underway between Kosovo and EU authorities on the extension of EULEX mandate, there is general consent that Kosovo still needs a presence of some type of EU instrument with important competencies, especially in the fight against corruption. It is important to openly discuss what kind of EULEX Kosovo actually needs, says Robelli, and it is just as important to have competent judges and prosecutors genuinely keen to help Kosovo. However, if EULEX continues to show no respect for the state of Kosovo and its society and makes deals about its new mandate with "unfit" politicians often under investigation on corruption, the disappointment will continue and EU’s failure will only deepen, warns Robelli. The EU rule of law mission should be a model of transparency and sustainable decisions and be aware that it cannot build rule of law standards if it fails to respect them.