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Kosovo not interested in Europe (Koha Ditore)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that due to upcoming elections, Kosovars and their political representatives don’t seem interested in elections for the European Parliament, “in which European voters, like never before, chose to vote for hardline parties some of which even have racist policies”. Kelmendi notes that the result of these elections may bring about major shifts in the policies of the European Union and that they will affect Kosovo too. “Being that Kosovo is the only country in Europe that is not recognized by all member states and the only one without visa liberalization, the process of integration and freedom of movement is only expected to become even more difficult from now on … Almost 30 percent of European voters are against the EU, namely against its enlargement, against freedom of movement and against opening doors to other countries and to immigrants. This being said, as of Sunday, Brussels could be even further away from Kosovo”.
