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We need a solution, elections were good (Kosova Sot)

In a front-page editorial, the paper writes that after the failure of the Assembly to elect a new speaker and unsuccessful meetings President Atifete Jahjaga had with political leaders, new elections are being mentioned as the only alternative for unblocking the current deadlocked situation. The paper recalls that Kosovo had successful elections in June but because of the refusal of four opposition parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), as winner of elections, cannot secure the majority needed to form new institutions. Constitutional Court in its decision ruled that elections are not necessarily a way out of the situation and this, according to the paper, could mean that this year will end and still no new elections will be announced. The only solution therefore is with the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, who has constitutional authority to dismiss the Assembly and call fresh elections. But the paper wonders what would happen in case election results are similar to those in June when no party won absolute majority. “Does this mean Kosovo will vote indefinitely until a party wins at least 41 percent of the votes”, it asks stressing that Kosovo needs a solution not unnecessary elections.