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“Made in Kosovo” crisis has no European solution (Koha Ditore)

Augustin Palokaj says that no comparison can be drawn between the stalemate in Kosovo and the situation in Belgium when the country was left without a government for a period of time. Palokaj claims that in Belgium it was not unclear who should form the government and the question was only who could secure the parliamentary majority. At the same time, in there is a system in place in Belgium to make sure that nothing stalls as a result of no government being formed which is not the case in Kosovo where, according to Palokaj, everything has stopped. He stresses that the main principle in a parliamentary democracy is to secure majority in the parliament and is of little relevance which party won elections and which came second. In a deadlocked situation like the one in Kosovo, the EU should support creation of institutions by the post-election coalition, VLAN, since it possesses numbers in the Assembly, but the EU is unable to openly support the Bloc as this would mean contradicting the ruling if the Constitutional Court, writes Palokaj. “EU officials could not come out opposing it because this would be the end of any hope for establishing rule of law in Kosovo”.