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Capture of the state (Tribuna)

Columnist Donik Sallova writes today that for the first time since June elections, last week the parties of the VLAN coalition showed signs of giving up on the demand to have the post of Assembly speaker by claiming that the key objective of the coalition is to undertake reforms so necessary in Kosovo. In a way, adds Sallova, the coalition bloc surrendered to the fact that constitutional procedures as well as the ruling of the Constitutional Court prevent it from electing a speaker from its own ranks. The Bloc is now likely to leave the post to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and immediately after, will ask from the president of Kosovo the mandate to form the government. The giving up of the speaker’s post has led to speculations that the bloc will split after this development but Sallova points out that if the ultimate goal that has united the bloc is ending the PDK governance, the new circumstances should not present a problem and if the first time the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) was generous and gave the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) the post of prime minister, this time, AAK should return the act of generousity by giving back the post to LDK. In Sallova’s view, this is a likely scenario but the thing that PDK has warned of, “is utterly unprecedented”. In fact, Sallova quotes certain officials within the PDK as saying that if the party is not part of the new government, it will not accept its candidate being voted for Assembly speaker. If the PDK adopts a motto of “either PDK in power or Kosovo without a state”, it will confirm views that the aim of the party was always to stay in power and not a democratic country. “Coming days will be crucial in seeing whether the state of Kosovo is truly free and democratic or is captured by an establishment that considers it a war plunder”, writes Sallova.