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Government in co-production (Danas)

Exactly six months after the early parliamentary elections of Kosovo, Pristina yesterday inaugurated the new Assembly of Kosovo. Elected President of the Assembly is an official of the PDK, Kadri Veseli, a former chief of the Intelligence Service of the KLA, known as SHIK. At the time of this commentary it was expected that the parliament would pass a new government.

The coalition government of the PDK and LDK is so to speak American-German "co-production", which will be chaired by the LDK leader Isa Mustafa, and the former Prime Minister Thaci in Mustafa's cabinet will be what Ivica Dacic is in the government of Aleksandar Vucic - Vice President of the same and Head of the diplomacy.

This solution should temporarily protect Mustafa of those with different views within the LDK, while Thaci apparently estimates that the new state functions and apparently guarantees of Washington (that turned into signed coalition agreement yesterday) would get him closer to the position of the President of Kosovo in 2016, but far enough from the announced court for war crimes of the KLA.

West was relieved that Self-determination is not part of the new government, because it is estimated that it is not enough "pacified", and a relaxing moment for control of the parliament was announcement of the AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj, that he would give up parliamentary seat.

After the formation of the new Kosovo government should follow the continuation of the Brussels negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. Thaci will not fulfill the desire to sit at the negotiating table in Brussels with Vucic, whose interlocutor, unless the model of political dialogue does not change, would be Isa Mustafa. For the new prime minister of Kosovo, American officials, until yesterday, argued that he is a politician without a future, while the Western diplomatic circles hint that the Prime Minister of Serbia is at the beginning of political downward trajectory. While Pristina sends signals that it could enter the continuation of the negotiations with the request on recognition, and normalization of relations, in Belgrade there is no consent of the top of the state on "European toll" which Serbia should pay Brussels.

President of Serbia claims that the condition is "or Kosovo or the EU", Prime Minister calms citizens with already seen "both Kosovo and EU" - the slogan of the DS when it was in power. Opponents of the Brussels Treaty predict that the end result of the whole operation will be, regardless of who is at the head of the Kosovo Government, "neither Kosovo nor the EU".