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Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces: A complex situation in Kosovo the key problem; no reason for fear (Serbian media)

A key regional problem that jeopardizes the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia is a complex situation in Kosovo, says the new Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Milan Mojsilovic in an interview for Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti.

General Lieutenant Colonel Milan Mojsilovic adds that citizens have no reason to fear because the Army continuously is monitoring the situation and is ready to adequately react to possible changes in the state of security and prevent the overflow of the crisis in the territory of central Serbia, the Serbian media quotes daily Vecernje Novosti.

Mojsilovic says that recently several actions of Pristina's government have contributed to the instability of the region, referring to the Brussels agreements' ignoring, imposition of a solution without respect of the views of Serbia and the Serbian community in Kosovo, transformation of KSF and a visit of the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci to Gazivode Lake.

According to him, the only adequate interlocutor for the security issue in Kosovo is KFOR, with which the Army of Serbia has developed cooperation.

"We will do everything to respect international obligations and legal acts and in the spirit of the decisions of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister to continue professional cooperation with KFOR, but we insist that all other actors respect them," Mojsilovic said and added that although international forces are the only legitimate armed formation, guarantees are demanded form KFOR that the Serbian people will be fully protected.

Asked to comment on media reports that he is close to NATO and that his appointment is "a gesture of Serbia's goodwill towards the West", Mojsilovic said that he also lived in Russia and Brussels, participated in war activities in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and in Kosovo, and that there was no reason to justify to anyone, as well as that he will take care exclusively about the interests of the state in accordance with the Constitution.