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Head of Serbian Interpol: Numerous consequences of Kosovo's membership in Interpol (RTS, KIM radio)

Serbian Interpol head Milan Dimitrijevic told RTS that the new attempt of Kosovo's membership at the Interpol's assembly on November 20th, would be a precedent and a legal violence.

"Minister Stefanovic has clearly defined the problems and concerns of the Republic of Serbia, and those are also security, criminal and legal. A precedent would be created, and a legal violence. For years now, the management of Interpol has been acquainted with the reasons and arguments of Serbia, and it is clearly defined in what way and under what conditions somebody can become a member," explains Dimitrijevic.

The consequences would be a violation of Resolution 1244, Interpol rules would be violated, and a field of legal uncertainty would be opened. Many Serbs would be found on the warrant, which Kosovo would initiate.

"There is an absolute fear that some Serbs would be found on the warrant, and there is also the possibility of database abuses," said Dimitrijevic.

He says that the decision to place this item (Kosovo's membership) on the agenda of the Interpol assembly was not made by consensus.

Regarding the fight against organized crime in Kosovo, which is one of the arguments of those who advocate for membership, the cooperation of the local police has taken place so far through UNMIK.

"It's about replacing the thesis. The cooperation between Interpol and UNMIK has been going on since 2002 and they are covering the entire area, and there is no argument that this cooperation is not covering all," Dimitrijevic claims.