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"Only EU and US can make Haradinaj see reason" (Tanjug, B92)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Veljko Odalovic says that Serbia will not leave its people in Kosovo and Metohija. Odalovic also added that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj "can only be made to see reason by the EU and the US."

Odalovic told RTS that it is "most important that Brussels should be the one to explain to Pristina that things they are doing can cause serious problems."

"This oversteps the bounds of everything that has been done through the dialogue, (it's) in direct contradiction to what we have done to help people living in Kosovo and Metohija," the Serbian official said.

He noted that the situation would be getting more difficult and uncertain if only Pristina has a say and added that only Brussels and the United States could stop the arrogance of the Kosovo authorities.

Odalovic said that Haradinaj and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci have imposed taxes (on goods from central Serbia) to calm the public at home after their failures in international activities.

"Haradinaj is where he manages the best, he spent his entire journey either in the woods or in conflicts or in situations where there are no rules and no order, while force and arrogance are in effect," Odalovic said.

Regarding Thaci's trip to the United States, Odalovic said that this visit probably has to do with the latest developments in Kosovo, adding that the United States stood behind all the moves undertaken in Pristina.

The Secretary General of the Serbian MFA interprets the work of the Kosovo authorities as an attempt by their leaders to change "the lists for indictments" of the Specialist Chambers, i.e., "the Special Court for KLA crimes."

According to Odalovic, Serbia will inform the international public about what Pristina's moves mean, and expects to get support.

"The situation is now relatively under control, Serbia is not leaving its people and will be with them, and we will respond to any provocation and will have a step to make that gives guarantees," Odalovic underlined.