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KFOR: ''normal exercises''; Leposavic Mayor: People were upset (N1, Blic)

KFOR spokesman Vicenzo Grasso confirmed the "movement of KFOR troops today and earlier days" in Kosovo and stressed that it was about "normal exercises," reported regional broadcaster N1.

KFOR is conducting regular training activities to keep ready to be rapidly deployed across Kosovo in accordance with UNSCR 1244, said KFOR and added that convoys moved yesterday towards Prizren and today towards North of Kosovo.

Belgrade-based daily Blic reports that Leposavic Mayor Zoran Todic said that the KFOR convoy stopped in the village of Dren in the municipality of Leposavic on a private property. Todic said that people were upset and did not know what was happening.

Todic said that in the convoy there were several trucks loaded with construction machinery and concrete blocks that are used to set up barricades. The movement of KFOR units was accompanied by helicopters along the road, reports the daily.

- We do not know what this is about. One thing is certain that the people are upset and that we do not yet have information about what is happening - Todic said.

Todic urged people to remain calm and not to fall for any provocations, daily Blic reports.