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Dacic responds to Pacolli: Serbia's only weapon is truth (Vecernje Novosti, B92, Tanjug)

Truth is the only "weapon" that Serbia uses to convince other countries to withdraw recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo.

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

He thus reacted to the assertion of Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli that he had "knowledge" of Belgrade "promising financial support and arms" to some smaller countries in return for revoking their recognition of Kosovo.

"In a world in which Pacolli and his band are still stuck, weapons are still a currency. Our only weapon is the truth that we are spreading around the world. And only with that, and with certain provisions of international law, we are fighting to preserve our national interests. While Pristina, aware that more and more states are withdrawing recognition, is reaching for lies more and more often," Dacic said.

He, at the same time, Dacic suggested to Pacolli to get used to the new circumstances as soon as possible.

"We are armed with patience, ready to fight in the political field and in international forums, as much as needed," Dacic said.

Pacolli made his statement a day after the president of the state of Palau visited Belgrade and confirmed that his country had decided to suspend, pending the end of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, its previous decision to recognize Kosovo.

Palau is the 13th state that has turned its back on Pristina, making the number of those who support Pristina's unilateral move drop to below 100.

Previously, this was done by Madagascar, Solomon Islands, Lesotho, Suriname, Grenada, Comoros, Burundi, Dominica, Sao Tome and Principe, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau, Papua New Guinea.

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