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Momcilo Trajkovic: Vulin's statement is a catastrophe, it is for criminal responsibility (N1)

Momcilo Trajkovic from the Serbian National Forum of Kosovo and Metohija told the regional broadcaster N1 that the statement by Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin about the delimitation in Kosovo is a catastrophe, and that it is for a criminal responsibility.

"This division opens problems. What means division for us, 80,000 below the Ibar river? Where are we going to be? In Greater Albania? It is a call to us to leave that territory," Trajkovic warns.

Trajkovic sees a solution through a process that would strengthen the Serbian people in Kosovo.

"Our nation is in a catastrophic situation, it has to be raised politically, economically and nationally. That time should be used, so that this people down there, who will endure it all, be able to stay there," he says.

As a long-term compromise solution for Kosovo, he sees a "Euroregion" managed for some period by the EU, and a final solution sought through that process. He reminded that this proposal was presented to President Boris Tadic and Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica in 2007, and last year to current President Aleksandar Vucic.

According to Trajkovic, that meeting with Vucic was correct and the president accepted proposals to strengthen the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

"We talked about the Jewish concept, to strengthen the people, to give up on party politics, we discussed the adoption of the law on the fund for Kosovo and Metohija, to regulate the spending of funds, that it should be in function of survival and not to facilitate emigration" Trajkovic says, pointing out that half a year later nothing happened.

Trajkovic says that representatives of the Serbian List are not at the level of the task and reminds that 1,000 professors teach in the University of Kosovska Mitrovica, and none of them is actively involved in resolving the Kosovo problem. Therefore, there is a need for an authentic Kosovo and Metohija policy, and not to manage it by a remote control from Belgrade.

Trajkovic also criticized President Vucic's statements about independent Serbian media in Kosovo as "foreign agents", saying that they are the most popular journalists in the province who bear a heavy burden of struggle and are "opening eyes" to the Serbian people.

Trajkovic assesses the recent summit in Berlin with the words "the mountains were shaking, the mouse was born", and the reason for this is, first of all, he seen lack of defined strategy of Serbia on what it wants in Kosovo.

Speaking about the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Trajkovic says he hopes that the light would be shed on the crime but adds that he fears that tactics were being used around the investigation, and that it is misused for political purposes.

KoSSev portal reported that Serbian Defense Minister, Aleksandar Vulin, stated on Wednesday that he was in favour of “a delimitation with the Shiptars” as soon as possible because Serbia would only then “be able to continue to deal with itself and its people.” Vulin claimed that this was his personal opinion, and which did not have the support of the President or the government, recalling that the assembly never discussed it.

The portal recalled that it was not the first time that the Minister of Defense publicly talked about his stance on delimitation. He sent an identical message at the beginning of April which led the Serbian Military Union to file criminal charges against him for ''endangering the territorial integrity and betraying the country. ''

In addition to criminal charges, the Serbian Military Union demanded Vulin’s dismissal and arrest.