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Survey: What citizens of Serbia think about the solution to the Kosovo issue (Blic, B92, TV Most)

The latest survey of the Belgrade based agency Faktor Plus, in cooperation with daily Blic, shows that the citizens of Serbia are not optimistic about the solution of the Kosovo problem, they do not expect Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to sign the recognition of Kosovo, and most of them think that the problem will not be resolved soon

"Do you think that the Serbian president or prime minister will sign the independence of Kosovo and Metohija", as many as 78% of respondents answered negatively, while only 15% think they will, and seven have no opinion.

Blic notes in Friday edition that the research was conducted before President Vucic stated few days ago that he would not sign the independence. The newspaper reports that Vladimir Pejic, from the Faktor plus agency, said that lately much was talked on this topic and not only people were not for it but they do not even believe that it would come to the recognition of independence.

When asked what the best solution is, from the standpoint of Serbia and its citizens about the problem of Kosovo, 50 percent of respondents answered, "a frozen conflict", 32 percent think it was an agreement on the demarcation of two sides, and eight percent recognition of an independent Kosovo.

Pejic states that, although the frozen conflict is not defined, it is most receptive to people because it does not demand a personal and national renunciation, and Kosovo is still not recognized.

When it comes to feelings and Kosovo, more responses and options were offered, and with even 61 percent, sadness was dominant, hope among 46 percent, and anger among 31 percent.

When asked in what time frame they expect a solution, citizens were not optimistic.

Almost half of the respondents (47 percent) believe that the Kosovo node will not be resolved in the next five to 10 years, 22 percent expect to be resolved in the next year or two, and 14 percent by the end of this year.

The resolution of the Kosovo issue, if supported by major powers - Russia, the US, the EU and China - would support 46 percent of the respondents, but only if Kosovo remains part of Serbia.

If those major powers were the guarantors of the agreement, such a solution would be supported by 40 percent of citizens, while seven percent answered "yes" or "no".