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Mirovic: Messages of hatred heard on St Vitus' Day (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Vice President of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Igor Mirovic condemned on Saturday the messages of open hatred heard at the gathering of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) and the explicit intention to cause political conflicts.

They want to introduce hatred, violence and aggressive behavior into politics, Mirovic told Tanjug and underscored that open threats addressed to the president and prime minister deserve especially fierce criticism because these are directs threat to a majority of citizens who elected Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, the government and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in free democratic elections.

It is obvious that there is an intention to cause political conflicts and unrest at a point when the Serbian government and SNS are trying to set up relations based on trust and cooperation in the country, as well as with region and the entire world, he said.

According to him, it is particularly regrettable that the messages were voiced precisely on St Vitus' Day, which is traditionally known among Serbs as the holiday of forgiveness and a day on which Serbia honors its glorious history.

During a meeting in downtown Belgrade on Saturday, SRS Vice President Nemanja Sarovic said that the government should not even think of arresting SRS leader Vojislav Seselj upon his return to the country, and used the opportunity to remind Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic of the fate of his late predecessor Zoran Djindjic.

"I am making it clear to Aleksandar Vucic that he should not even try to arrest Seselj - he should remember the fate of all those who arrested Seselj from Tito to (the late prime minister Zoran) Djindjic," Sarovic said at the SRS protest in downtown Belgrade.
