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No reason to meet in Paris if tariffs remain in place, says Serbian PM Brnabic (Serbian media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that she sees no reason for officials from Belgrade and Pristina to meet in Paris unless the Kosovo Albanians revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia, reported Serbian media.

“We are always prepared to sit down with people like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron as well as people from the region to discuss problems and ways to solve them,” Brnabic told reporters in Paris after a meeting with her French counterpart Edouard Philippe.

She said that revoking of the tariffs are the condition to continue the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and added that Belgrade has the support of Paris in that regard.

She expressed satisfaction over the fact that the French authorities have realized that Serbia was constructive in resolving the Kosovo problem.