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Concerns about the privatization process in Kosovo (Danas)

Interview: Samuel Zbogar, Special Representative and Head of the EU Office in Kosovo

“The European Union closely monitored parliamentary elections through its observers and we can express our satisfaction with their regularity. We monitor closely current election debate, but it is clear that they are entirely internal matter of Kosovo, as long they are based on the laws and procedures. Therefore we cannot comment them, stated Zbogar. 

Did the EU Office, or EULEX had the competences to influence the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC), for which the Serbian List claims that they are against the Kosovo Constitution and the Law on General Elections, especially when it comes to the composition of the electoral committees and the distribution of mandates? 

The Central Election Commission functions in accordance with Kosovo law and cannot be subject to any influence. 

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton pledged for quick forming of a new Government. Do Brussels have some timelines? 

Deadlines are arising from legally prescribed procedures. Due to the many tasks set before Kosovo authorities in regards to the European integration, including the continuation of the dialogue with Serbia, the main interest of the citizens is forming of an efficient government with a full mandate. 

How do you comment on the possibility that the Serbian List complain to the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and postpone constitution of the parliament? 

We cannot comment on it. Everyone has the right to use all the resources that are provided by the law. 

Head of the Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric, announced that the number of Serbian mandates will be discussed with the international community. Is it realistic and on what basis the Serbs could get more than 10 guaranteed mandates? 

Elections are completed and were conducted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. At the moment all mandates will be officially verified, it will be known exactly who people voted for.

When and how should be constituted the Community of Serbian Municipalities? 

It will be constituted when the statute will be adopted. This will happen when all of its solutions will be acceptable to all. 

What is the position of the EU about the invasion of Kosovo Privatization Agency (KPA) in the Serbian State Property in Strpce/Shterpce, because according to the UN SC Resolution 1244 only international administration could manage that property? 

Colleague from the Office of the Special Representative of the EU met several times with officials from KPA to discuss many issues on management of the Agency. The reason was concern about the privatization process in general, and specific cases such as the Hotel "Junior" in Strpce/Shterpce. During all these meetings, was insisted that the KPA must function correctly, because their activities can have a direct impact on the citizens. As far as we know, "Junior" is in the process of liquidation and its sale is in the process of preparation. Currently 83 Kosovo Serb IDPs live in that hotel. All of them must be given clear solution before they sell the hotel. 

Silence about EULEX 

When asked to explain "accelerated transfer of EULEX activities to other European bodies and local institutions," and whether "EULEX will gradually leave his executive functions in the area of justice," meaning that his mandate will not extend after 2016, Zbogar said “The current mandate of EULEX is defined by 15 July 2016”. Zbogar didn’t answer to the question whether beside Pristina and Brussels were consulted Belgrade and the UN Security Council on the extension of the mandate of EULEX, because this mission is deployed in Kosovo in 2008 with the consent of Serbia and opinion of Security Council.